A short film by Darielle Tillon
36 min - Color - 2016
A short film by Darielle Tillon
36 min - Color - 2016
A short film by Darielle Tillon

36 min - Color - 2016
A festive evening, students. A city, a campfire, a journey through the forest, some dreams, a trip, a disappearance
A festive evening, students. A city, a campfire, a journey through the forest, some dreams, a trip, a disappearance
With the support of the Région Bretagne
With the support of the CNC (FAIA)
With the support of the Région Bretagne
With the support of the CNC (FAIA)
We, Tikopia
A documentary by Corto Fajal
90 min - Color - 2017
The inhabitants of Tikopia, a small island in the Pacific, have developed an original and millennial civilization that still exists today and in which their island is alive. The dialogue between the island and its king, Ti Namo, reveals their common history, their choices for the future.
VISA n° 146.034
Co-production with Arwestud Films and Sami Kompania
With the support of the Région Bretagne, TVR, the Breizh Film Fund and Bretagne Romantique, of l’International Sami Institute, of the Sami Council and the Swedish Film Institute.
Broadcast :
- Festival International du Film Océanien (FIFO) (Papeete, Polynésie Française) le 3 février 2018
- Mention spéciale du jury au Festival du film international sur les droits de l’homme (Bolivie)
- Festival des Projections d'intérêts Fertiles (Montmélian, France)
- La quinzaine des possibles au cinéma Le Vox (Rambouillet, France)
- Festi'vaches (France)
- Cycle écologie et mode de vie à l'Emeraude cinéma (Dinan, France)
- Festival Cinéma35 en fête
- Festival Terres d'Ailleurs au Museum d'Histoires naturelles (Toulouse, France)
Braodcast in many cinema at Paris, Rennes, Lorient, Brest, Nantes, Strasbourg, Lyon, Grenoble, Aix les bains, Cavaillon, Nyons,
St Gaudens , Clermont Ferrand, Dijon, Nice, Montbéliard, Montmélian, Montguyon, Jonzac, Barbezieux, Montendre, Marthon, Aubusson et Eymoutiers, Nantua, Belly et Meximieux, Penmarch, Fougères, Romillé, Combourg, St Malo, Auray, Callac, Loudéac, Etel, Nivillac, Erquy, Guingamp, Chateaubriant, Vannes, Rostrenen, Questembert.
Festivals :
- FESTIVAL INTERNATIONAL DU FILM OCEANIEN (FIFO), Papeete - Polynésie Française (February 3 2018)
Follow the news of the film :

The crew
A film by Corto Fajal
Image operators : Charles-Hubert Morin, Corto Fajal
Sound operator (sound recording, mixing editing) : Corinne Gigon
Editor : Ranwa Stephan
Visual effects and color grading : Pierre Bouchon
Voice of the island : Sève Laurent-Fajal
(written in collaboration with the inhabitants of Tikopia)
Original music : Dominique Molard
Aerial and underwater images : Corto Fajal
with the collaboration of Charles-Hubert Morin and Humphrey
Titling and credits : Jean-François Guéguen | aeradesign
Translation of tikopian dialogues : Mickael Vakasauvave, Mathieu Tillaut
Trailer : Vincent Melcion
Mastering : Julien Moreux
Island voice translation : Anne-Christine Maclennan
Collaboration in file writing : Blandine Jet
Producers (France) : Corto Fajal, Brewenn Hellec, Thomas Guentch
Producer (Suède) : John Erling Utsi
Technical means of filming : Arwestud films, Nomades productions
Editing, calibration and mastering : Arwestud films
Sound editing and mixing : Nomades production